EBSCO Health Notes
Transition to MEDLINE on EBSCOhost Help Sheet
Provides support for making the transition for searching MEDLINE from Ovid or ProQuest to the native EBSCOhost search interface with a comparison of the search syntax, e.g. truncation, wildcards, proximity searching etc. for each platform.
CINAHL on EBSCOhost Help Sheet
Provides support for searching CINAHL on the native EBSCOhost search interface with details of the search syntax, e.g. truncation, wildcards, proximity searching etc. for each platform.
CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments.
This short video demonstrates how to request an EBSCO Connect account to provide access to additional support features for EBSCO products and sevices.